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An Act for the Vniformity of Common Prayer, and Service

in the Church, and Administration of the Sacraments, primo Elisabethæ

Where at the death of our late sovereign Lord King Edward the sixth, there remained one vniform order of Common service and prayer, and of the Administration of sacraments, Rites and Ceremonies in the Church of England which was set forth, in one Book, intituled, The Book of Com̃on Prayer, and Administration of Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies in the Church of England, authorized by Act of Parliament holden in the fifth and sixth years of our said late soveraign Lord King Edward the sixth, intituled, An Act for the vniformity of common prayer, and Administration of the sacraments : The which was repealed and taken away by Act of Parliament in the first year of the raign of our late soveraign Lady Queen Mary to the great decay of the due honour of God, and discomfort to the Professors ̣ of the truth of Christs religion.

Be it therefore enacted by the authority of this present Parliament, that the said statute of repeal, and every thing therein contained, only concerning the said Book, and the service, Administration of sacraments, Rites, and Ceremonies contained or appointed in or by the said book, shall be void, and of none effect, from and after the feast of the Nativity of St ̣ Iohn Baptist next coming.

And that the said book with the order of service, and of the administration of Sacraments, Rites, and Ceremonies, with the Alteration and additions therein added and appointed by this statute, shall stand andbe