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6 An Act for the Vniformity

motion: that then the same person so offending, and convict, shall for the first offence suffer imprisonment during one whole year next after his said conviction, without bail or mainprise. And if any such person not having any spiritual promotion, after his first conviction shall eftsoons offend in any thing concerning the premisses, and shall in form aforesaid be thereof lawfully convicted, that then the same person shall for his second offence suffer imprisonment during his life.

And it is ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid that if any person or persons whatsoever after the said feast of the nativity of Saint Iohn Baptist next coming shall in any Enterludes, Playes, Songs, Rimes, or by other open words declare or speake any thing in the derogation, depriving or despising of the same book, or of any thing therein conteined, or any part thereof, or shall by open fact, deed, or by open threatnings compell or cause, or otherwise procure or mantein any Parson, Vicar or other Minister, in any Cathedrall or parish church, or in chappel, or in any other place to sing or say any common or open prayer, or to minister any sacrament otherwise, or in any other manner and form then is mentioned in the said book, or that by any of the said means shall vnlawfully interrupt, or let any Parson Vicar or other Minister in any Cathedrall or parish church, chappel, or any other place, to sing or say common and open prayer, or to minister the sacraments, or any of them in such manner and form as is mentioned in the said book: that then every such person, being thereof lawfully convicted in form abovesaid, shall forfeit to the Queen our Soveraign Lady, her heirs, and successrs
for the first offence an hundred marks. And if any person or persons being once convict of any such offence, eftsoons offend against any of the last recited offences, and shall in form aforesaid be thereof lawfully convict: that then the same person so offending and convict, shall for the second offence forfeit to the
