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The Ministration of Publick Baptism of Jnfants to be vsed in the Church. ^f The people are to be admonished, that it is most convenient that Baptism should not be administred but vpon Sunday es, and other Holy-day es, when the most number of people come together : as well for that the Congregation there present may testifie the receiving of them that be new]y baptized, into the number of Christs Church : as also because in the baptism of fnfants, every man present may be put in remembrance of his own profession, made to God in his Baptism. For which cause also it is ex- pedient that Baptism be ministred in the vulgar tongue. Nevertheless (if necessity so require) chil- dren may be baptised vpon any other day. ^f And note, that there shall be for every male child to be baptized, two Godfathers, and one Godmother : and for every female, one Godfather and two God- mothers.

  • [ When there are children to be baptized, the parents

shall give knowledge thereof over night, or in the morning before the beginning of morning prayer, to the Curate. And then the Godfathers and God- mothers and the people, with the children, must be ready at the Font, either immeoUatly after the last Lesson at morning prayer, or els immediatly after the last Lesson at evening Prayer, as the Curate by his discretion shall appoynt. And the Priest coming to the Font (which is then to be filled with pure Water) and standing there shall say, Hath this childe been already baptised, or No? Jf they answer, no: then shall the Priest proceed asfolloweth Dearly

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