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Thy love." Lord, aid us from an inward principle of love, to adore and worship Thee; to sanctify and reverence all Thy divine qualities embodied in hallowing Thy holy name; to keep Thy Sabbaths, from polluting them, and by our actions every day of our natural existence, to evince that Thy fear was constantly before our eyes, as Thy love was shed abroad in our hearts. So shall our natural existence glide peacefuliy and serenely through its varying states until it find perfect rest in Thy heavenly kingdom. Amen.

Our Father, etc.


O LORD Jesus Christ, we are by Thy holy Word instructed that the most interior way by which we can show our love to our neighbour is by seeking his spiritual welfare; and such is our indolence and selfishness that this we should never attend to, unless by Thy Word we were continually reminded of our duty. Lord! aid us, we beseech Thee, that we may acquire the true spirit of love, reproving and receiving reproof in that humility of soul which springs from a knowledge of our own infirmities. O aid us to advance the good of our neighbour, by good counsel from Thy Word, by pure aficction from a love of his soul, and by such judicious advice as may be most suitable to his state: if we are called upon to reprove him, may we do so in the spirit of His tenderness, which, while it suffereth long and is kind, is yet afraid to permit him to continue in evil, lest his blood should be upon us, and while our neighbour's soul is lost, his blood should be required at our hands.

Lord! teach us to bear our own burthens patiently, that we may be the better qualified to relieve those of others. May we look constantly to Thee for help, under the devout assurance that they who "wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint;" they shall experience the easiness of Thy yoke, and the burthen put upon them will be found light. Lord, hear us! Lord, answer us, guide and direct us, for Thy name and mercy sake. Amen.

Our Father, etc.


O LORD Jesus Christ, who hast loved us with an everlasting love, we desire to adore Thee, that amidst our most devious wanderings and anxieties, still Thy divine love hovers around us in its dove-like spirit, and still, as we pursue our course, whispers to our inmost souls, "Fear thou not, for I am with thee; be thou not dismayed, I am thy God; I will comfort thee, I will sustain thee, I will uphold thee by the right hand of my righteonsness." We acknowledge, O Lord, that truly are our steps ordered by Thee, and as we pursue our way in the path of the regeneration, Thou delightest in it; and though we fall we shall not be utterly cast down, for Thou, Lord, wilt be near to uphold us by Thy hand.

Amidst all our outward afflictions and inward trials, which are so necessary for our purification, how many are the intervals of peace which