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nature, where one man's self-hood, and one man's lust of power, mars and mutilates the noble image of his brother,—that noble image in whose likeness, O Lord, he has been created, the likeness of Thine own glorious Person. Oh, hasten the time, Prince of peace! hasten the fulfilment of prophecy, when men shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks, and shall learn war no more. Amen.

Our Father, etc.

SATURDAY EVENING. 0 LORD, our Creator. Preserver, and Redeemer; Thou art our constant Benefactor, our unchangeable Friend: help us this evening, the close of another day, to bow the knee before Thes, and while we acknowledge the blessings of the past week, let Thy holy influence enter into and take possession of us, that we may be filled with humble gratitude and thanksgiving. Thou hast by the wisdom of Thy providence marked out our position in life: O grant us the power to fulfil its duties with activity and faithfulness. Teach us that these duties can only be successfully fulfilled as we look to Thee, as we set Thee continually before our eyes; and if Thy wisdom should see fit to change our stations. O give us understandings sufficiently endowed to fulfil our new duties. But. Lord, we humbly pray Thee, by the acts of Thy righteous providence enable us to keep the world behind us, and Thyself and Thy kingdom constantly before us, so that we may see the necessity of a watchful superintendence over our affections and thoughts, knowing that THOU LORD SEEST VS. Give unto us a deep sense of our own unworthiness that we may never presume to cast a hasty censure or pronounce a hasty judgment upon the conduct of our neighbour. May we be brought to see our own evils, and at the same time see the necessity of repentance. While we pursue our worldly avocations; if success does not crown our expectations, may we learn submission to Thy will. O Lord, and may we have a well grounded confidence in that providence which has never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread. Into Thy hands. O Lord Jesus Christ, we commend our spirits. Amen. Our Father, etc. TWENTY-FIFTH WEEK-SABBATH MORNING. 0 LORD, who art the way, the truth, and the life, we pray that every member of this family may feel a joy and elevation of spirit by a return of this holy day, and while a devout cheerfulness permeates every heart, may all the doings of this day be perfected in love. We pray Theo let the blessing of Thy godd Spirit rest upon him whom Thou hast appointed to minister unto us in heavenly things. May his soul be prepared for the discharge of his sacred functions, by a devont contemplation of Thy Word, and by a complete surrender of all his talents and faculties to Thy divine guidance. May pride, haughtiness, and ostentation form no part of his character, but may he learn of Thee, and know that his sufficiency is of Thee, and may he from the unfolding of Thy Word be deeply impressed that the best and most talented among N 2 Digitized cy Google