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may be preserved in it. May we have humble hope, and confidence of heaven; and may we eventually find a place therein. Amen.

Our Father, etc.


CCEPT. O Lord, our Saviour, our thanksgivings for Thy watchfulness over us this day, which Thou hast crowned with Thy loving-kindness and tender mercy.

O Lord Jesus Christ, our Heavenly Father, truly our hope is in Thee; and under the shadow of Thy wings do we desire to repose ourselves.

Wateh over us this night, we beseech Thee; for only by Thee can we be preserved in safety. Our spiritual adversaries are ever watchful to enthral as, and when our bodies lie prostrate, and our senses are steeped in utter forgetfulness, who could deliver us from their power, unless Thine eye beheld and watched over us? Tt is while men sleep, that the enemy sows his tares, and too surcly do we know that, unless Thou. Lord, keep our spiritual house, the watchman watcheth but in vain. But Thy love, untiring, never sleeps. Thou givest Thine angels charge over us. It is Thou repellest the influence of our spiritual enemies, and as we abide in Thy love so Thou givest Thy beloved sleep. We therefore. O Lord, reposing our entire trust and confidence in Thy mercy, and knowing that Thou art near at all times to defend us, commit ourselves to Thy care with humble contidence. Refresh us, we beseech Thee, with calm and tranquil repose. May we be at peace with Thee, and with all our fellowercatures; and may we be permitted to rise again and to renew our useful Jabours,

Free us from all eares and anxious thoughts for the future. May we feo] and know that Thon art our portion, and that to be blessed by Thy providence, it becomes us constantly to trust Thee. May we be able to apply Thy words to our spiritual editication,—'Trust in the Lord, and do good, so shall we dwell in the land, and verily we shail be fed.' Amen.

Our Father, etc.


IN Thee, O Lord Jesus Christ, we have redemption, even the forgiveness of sins. Thou art Love itself and Wisdom itself; and we may at all times draw near to Thee, and find grace to help in every time of need. O remove from us every false idea of Thy divine perfections: Thou art immutable, the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever. We praise Thee for the comfortable assurance contained in that sentence of an Apostle, "God is Love."

How fully and how frequently have we proved that "like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear Him, and delivereth them out of their distresses." Yea, "Thou considerest our frames, Thou rememberest that we are but dust."

We acknowledge, O Lord, that Thou permittest trial to assail us; but still Thy love is all-operative upon us, and we acknowledge the comforting truth of Thy divine words, when we pass through the fire, the flame kindles not upon us, or through the water, the waves overflow us