Page:The Book of Orders of Knighthood and Decorations of Honour of All Nations.djvu/175

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Order, Henry the Lion. Each corner of the gold Cross is filled with a green oaken wreath, but not so the silver. The centre of both contains a W with the crown, and upon the wings are distributed the words, 'Immota Fides' (Tab. I. No. 6). The nomination to the previous Order, precludes the wearing of the present cross.

Besides this Order, Brunswick possesses a variety of decorations and medals of merit, mostly military. We give them here in chronological order of their foundation.

1. Waterloo Medal (Plate 23, Tab. II. No. 11) was founded by the Prince Regent of Great Britain, George, as guardian of the minor Princes of Brunswick, on the 11th June, 1818, 'for the perpetual remembrance'—as the patent says—' of the campaign of 1815, and the glorious distinction with which the Brunswick corps has participated in it.' The medal was cast from the captured guns of the enemy, and bears on the front the effigy of Duke Frederick William, who fell at the battle of Quatre Bras on the 16th June, 1815; the reverse shows within a laurel oak wreath, the date 1815, with the legend, ' Braunschweig seinen Kriegern—Quatre-Bras und Waterloo' (Brunswick to her warriors—Quatre-Bras and Waterloo). Upon the edge of the medal is engraved the christian and family name, and the character which the owner bore during that campaign, and more especially during the battles of Quatre-Bras and Waterloo. It was presented to all men of the Brunswick corps who had either taken direct part in the campaign, from 15th June to 7th July, 1815, or were present during that period and given assistance to the former, including even field chaplains, &c. Also the heirs of those soldiers who had either fallen in the field or died subsequently, received in memory of the dead this medal, which is worn by all classes suspended by a yellow and blue striped ribbon about six inches long, at the third button hole, or near it upon the left side.