Page:The Book of Orders of Knighthood and Decorations of Honour of All Nations.djvu/282

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bright blue watered ribbon (the same as that of the Guelph Order).

The General Decoration of Merit consists, for Military Merit, of a silver medal (Tab. IV. No. 16), with the initials of the founder on the obverse, and a laurel wreath, with the inscription: 'Krieger Verdienst'? (Warrior's merit) on the reverse. It is worn suspended by a white and yellow watered ribbon.

The Decoration for Civil and other Merits, consists also of a silver medal (Tab. IV. No. 15), but has within an oaken wreath the inscription: ' Verdienst um's Vaterland' (Merit of the country), and is worn suspended by a tricoloured (black, white and yellow) watered ribbon.

In all the above medals, the name of the recipient is engraved round the edge. They are worn (without a buckle) on the left breast.

The presentation usually begins with the Medal of General Merit, and at further new proofs of merit and distinction, the silver, and next the golden medals are conferred. All medals may be worn together by those who possess them.


Initials in diamonds are presented for distinguished merit to court ladies. This decoration is worn upon the left shoulder, suspended by the blue commander ribbon of the Guelphic Order, and consists of the letters: 'E. A. F. R.' (Ernest Augustus Frederica, Reges). (Tab. I. No. 17.)

The Ernest Augustus Cross, was founded by King Ernest Augustus on the 9th August, 1845, and was made to form the first class of the above William Cross; it is designated—by the words of the warrant—as "a reward to officers for long faithful service, while it promises, at the same time, a better