Page:The Book of Orders of Knighthood and Decorations of Honour of All Nations.djvu/349

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The first class cross is usually presented:

a. To the Director General of the armed force, after three years' distinguished management of his department.

b. To officers of the staff, and

c. To officers of any degree for peculiar distinction in a military enterprize that had been left to their own discretion.

The second class is presented to officers of distinction, and the third, even to privates of merit.


Was founded by Duke Charles Louis on the 22nd December, 1836, and consists of three classes. The badge is a cross, adorned with lillies; the obverse shows the figure of St. Louis in golden armour, and the reverse the Bourbon crest. The cross of the first class is of gold and white enamel; of the second, of silver and the same enamel; and of the third, also of silver, but without enamel. It is worn on the left breast, suspended by a bright blue ribbon with yellow borders. (Plate 49, No. 3). The Chancellor and the Secretary of the Order wear, besides, a cross of peculiar form, characteristic of their respective offices.


Medal for long Military Service, (Medaglia di Anzianita). —It was founded on the Ist of June, 1833, for officers who had served at least thirty years.

It consists of a cross of gilt metal; the middle of the front shows the initial of the founder, and the reverse the number 'XXX.' It is worn on the left side of the breast suspended by a bright blue ribbon with three yellow stripes. (Nos. 4 and 5).