Page:The Book of Orders of Knighthood and Decorations of Honour of All Nations.djvu/46

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pended by the ribbon. The ceremonies of nomination are nearly the same as those of the ' Maria Theresa Order,' while the Oath is made in German, as follows:

"I. N. N., swear to God, to observe, at all times, and on all occasions, until the end of my life, inviolably and most strictly, my duty of loyalty and veneration towards His Majesty, the reigning Emperor, as Grand Master of the Sublime Order of Leopold, as also towards his illustrious successors, and the whole Arch-Ducal House of Austria, and to contribute, to the best of my power, to all and everything that may conduce to the safety, glory, and growth of the Austrian Empire, as also to prevent, on the other hand, as much as lies in my power, everything that might tend to injure the power of the Order, and its legitimate representatives. I finally swear, to act up strictly to the laws and statutes of the Order, as well as to the commands of His Majesty, as Grand Master of the Order, and to wear constantly about me the insignia of the Order. So help me God."

The Grand Master has the power to dispense with the oath in some individual cases. Candidates unacquainted with the German may take the Oath in Latin. In handing over the insignia to the candidate, the Grand Master says (in Latin or German):

"We are convinced that you will, as becomes a valiant and upright knight, always keep faithfully the promises in your oath. Receive, therefore, the badge of the Order of Leopold as a reward of your merits, and which you are bound always to wear about you, that the mark of honour bestowed upon you may always be present to your mind, and remind you of what you owe to God, ourselves, our House, and the dignity of the Order."

Without special permission (which is, however, never refused)