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91, Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury,


(Three Doors West of the British Museum.)





THE skin has the power of absorbing from any liquid certain particles when applied to its surface; this renders it peculiarly liable to be injuriously affected by poisonous substances, such as the colouring matter and the strong essential oils used in the manufacture of most Toilet Soaps; hence it often happens that persons materially derange the healthy action of the skin without suspecting the soap they have been using was the cause. To obviate this, and to produce beneficial results, A. & F. Pears assure their customers that their TRANSPARENT SOAP undergoes a second process in its manufacture, which entirely removes all the corrosive alkali (so injurious), and introduces an ingredient of a soothing nature, which renders its cleansing properties most effectual —its colour being acquired by age only. Its perfume has also been studied so as to make it most agreeable and not in any way injurious. This fact, with the peculiar properties of the Soap, and the care we bestow on its manufacture, has induced many of the Homœpathic and other Physicians to recommend it in Skin Diseases.

Another excellence of this Soap is, that it may be used with either hard or soft water, a quality which renders it extremely agreeable to gentlemen of the Navy and Army, or families travelling to other countries, change of climate never in the least diminishing its properties.

Sold in square Cakes and Tablets, price 1s. and 1s, 6d. each, and large square Cakes and Tablets, perfumed with Otto or Roses.

To be had of most respectable Perfumers and Chemists in Town and Country,
or of the Inventors, as above; but be sure to ask for