Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 1.djvu/179

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with firewood jostled me and the end of one of the pieces of wood tore my veil and wounded my cheek, as thou seest; for indeed the ways are strait in this city.” “To-morrow,” rejoined he, “I will go to the governor and speak to him, that he may hang every firewood-seller in the city.” “God on thee,” cried I, “do not burden thy conscience with such a sin against any one! The truth is that I was riding on an ass, and it stumbled and threw me down, and my cheek fell on a piece of glass, which wounded it.” “Then,” said he, “to-morrow I will go to Jaafer the Barmecide and tell him the case, and he will kill every ass in the city.” “Wilt thou ruin all the folk on my account,” said I, “when this that befell me was decreed of God?” “There is no help for it,” answered he, and springing to his feet, plied me with questions and pressed me, till I was frightened and stammered in my speech, so that he guessed how the case stood and exclaimed, “Thou hast been false to thine oath!” Then he gave a great cry, whereupon a door opened and in came seven black slaves, whom he commanded to drag me from my bed and throw me down in the middle of the room. Moreover, he made one take me by the shoulders and sit upon my head and another sit on my knees and hold my feet and giving a third a naked sword, said to him, “Strike her, O Saad, and cut her in twain and let each take half and throw it into the Tigris, that the fish may eat her, for this is the reward of her who breaks her oath and is unfaithful to her love.” And he redoubled in wrath and repeated the following verses:

If any other share with me in her whom I adore, I’ll root out passion from my heart, though longing me destroy;
And I will say unto my soul, “Death is the better part;” For love is naught that men with me in common do enjoy.

Then he said to the slave, “Smite her, O Saad!” Whereupon the latter bent down to me and said, “O my lady, repeat the profession of the faith and tell us if there be