Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 1.djvu/210

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taking the torch, went to the bath, where he found the hunchback already on horseback. So he mixed with the people and moved on with the bridal-procession; and as often as the singing-women stopped to collect largesse from the people, he put his hand into his pocket and finding it full of gold, took out a handful and threw it into the singers’ tambourine, till it was full of dinars. The singing-women were amazed at his munificence and they and the people wondered at his beauty and grace and the richness of his dress. He ceased not to do thus, till he reached the Vizier’s palace, where the chamberlains drove back the people and forbade them to enter; but the singing-women said, “By Allah, we will not enter, unless this young man enter with us, for he has overwhelmed us with his bounties; nor shall the bride be displayed, except he be present.” So the chamberlains let him pass, and he entered the bridal saloon with the singers, who made him sit down, in defiance of the humpbacked bridegroom. The wives of the Viziers and Amirs and chamberlains were ranged, each veiled to the eyes and holding a great lighted flambeau, in two ranks, extending right and left from the bride’s throne[1] to the upper end of the dais, in front of the door from which she was to issue. When the ladies saw Bedreddin and noted his beauty and grace and his face that shone like the new moon, they all inclined to him, and the singers said to all the women present, “You must know that this handsome youth has handselled us with nought but red gold, so fail ye not to wait on him and comply with all that he says.” So all the women crowded round Bedreddin, with their torches, and gazed on his beauty and envied him his grace; and each would gladly have lain in his bosom an hour or a year. In their intoxication, they let fall their veils from their faces and said, “Happy she who belongs to him or to whom he

  1. On which she sits to be displayed.