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substance but on my friends, who have beggared me, and I think they will not leave me without help.’ ‘By Allah,’ replied she, ‘they will not profit thee in aught.’ Said he, ‘I will rise at once and go to them and knock at their doors: maybe I shall get of them somewhat with which I may trade and leave pleasure and merry-making.’ So he rose and repaired to a certain street, where all his ten comrades lived. He went up to the first door and knocked, whereupon a maid came out and said, ‘Who art thou?’ ‘Tell thy master,’ replied he, ‘that Noureddin Ali stands at the door and says to him, “Thy slave kisses thy hands and awaits thy bounty.”’ The girl went in and told her master, who cried out at her, saying, ‘Go back and tell him that I am not at home.’ So she returned and said to Noureddin, ‘O my lord, my master is from home.’ With this, he went away, saying to himself, ‘Though this fellow be a whoreson knave and deny himself, another may not be so.’ Then he came to the second door and sent in a like message to the master of the house, who denied himself as the first had done, whereupon Noureddin repeated the following verse:

They’re gone who, if before their door thou didst arrest thy feet, Would on thy poverty bestow both flesh and roasted meat.

And said, ‘By Allah, I must try them all: there may be one amongst them who will stand me in the stead of the rest.’ So he went round to all the ten, but not one of them opened his door to him or showed himself to him or broke a cake of bread in his face; whereupon he repeated the following verses:

A man in time of affluence is like unto a tree, Round which the folk collect, as long as fruit thereon they see,
Till, when its burden it hath cast, they turn from it away, Leave it to suffer heat and dust and all inclemency.
Out on the people of this age! perdition to them all! Since not a single one of ten is faithful found to be.