Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 1.djvu/405

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Then they sat down again and began to fill and give each other to drink; and they toyed and laughed and recited verses, whilst joy grew on them and each was engrossed with love of the other, glory be to Him, who uniteth hearts! They ceased not to carouse thus till near upon daybreak, when drowsiness overcame them and they slept where they were till the morning. Then Ghanim arose and going to the market, bought all that they required in the way of meat and drink and vegetables and what not, with which he returned to the house; and they both sat down and ate till they were satisfied, when he set on wine. They drank and toyed with each other, till their cheeks flushed and their eyes sparkled and Ghanim’s soul yearned to kiss the girl and lie with her. So he said to her, ‘O my lady, grant me a kiss of thy mouth; maybe it will quench the fire of my heart.’ ‘O Ghanim,’ replied she, ‘wait till I am drunk: then steal a kiss from me, so that I may not know thou hast kissed me.’ Then she rose and taking off her upper clothes, sat in a shift of fine linen and a silken kerchief. At this, desire stirred in Ghanim and he said to her, ‘O my mistress, wilt thou not vouchsafe me what I asked of thee!’ ‘By Allah,’ replied she, ‘this may not be, for there is a stubborn saying written on the ribbon of my trousers.’ Thereupon Ghanim’s heart sank and passion grew on him the more that what he sought was hard to get; and he recited the following verses:

I sought of her who caused my pain A kiss to ease me of my woe.
“No, no!” she answered; “hope it not!” And I, “Yes, yes! It shall be so!”
Then said she, smiling, “Take it then, With my consent, before I know.”
And I, “By force!” “Not so,” said she: “I freely it on thee bestow.”
So do not question what befell, But seek God’s grace and ask no mo;
Think what thou wilt of us; for love Is with suspect made sweet, I trow.
Nor do I reck if, after this, Avowed or secret be the foe.

Then love increased on him, and the fires were loosed