Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 3.djvu/101

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She went on to sing song after song, choice words set to various airs, till our minds were bewitched and it seemed as if the very room would dance with excess of pleasure for the marvel of her sweet singing and there was nor thought nor reason left in us. When we had sat awhile and the cup had gone round amongst us, the damsel took the lute and sang the following verses to a lively measure:

My love a visit promised me and did fulfil his plight One night that I shall reckon aye for many and many a night.
O night of raptures that the fates vouchsafed unto us twain; Unheeded of the railing tribe and in the spies’ despite!
My loved one lay the night with me and I of my content Clipped him with my left hand, while he embraced me with his right.
I strained him to my breast and drank his lips’ sweet wine, what while I of the honey and of him who sells it had delight.

Whilst we were thus drowned in the sea of gladness, in came a little maid, trembling, and said, ‘O my lady, look how you may go away, for the folk are upon us and have surrounded the house, and we know not the cause of this.’ When I heard this, I arose in affright, and behold, in came a slave-girl, who said, ‘Calamity hath overtaken you!’ At the same moment, the door was burst open and there rushed in upon us half a score masked men, with poniards in their hands and swords by their sides, and as many more behind them. When I saw this, the world, for all its wideness, was straitened on me and I looked to the door, but saw no way out; so I sprang (from the roof) into the house of one of my neighbours and hid myself there. Thence I heard a great uproar in my house and concluded that the Khalif had gotten wind of us and sent the chief of the police to seize us and bring us before him. So I abode confounded and remained in my place, without daring to move, till midnight, when the master of the house became aware of me and being greatly affrighted, made at me with a drawn sword in his hand, saying, ‘Who