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saying, ‘I am the doctor, the scribe! I am the astrologer, the mathematician!’ And all the townsfolk forbade him from this, but he heeded them not, saying in himself, ‘None knoweth desire save he who suffereth it.’ Then he began again to cry his loudest, saying, ‘I am the scribe, I am the mathematician, I am the astrologer!’ Night cciii.till all the townsfolk were wroth with him and said to him, ‘Thou art but a silly self-willed boy! Have pity on thine own youth and tender years and beauty and grace.’ But he cried all the more, ‘I am the astrologer, I am the mathematician! Is there any one that seeketh?’ As he was thus crying and the people remonstrating with him, King Ghaïour heard his voice and the clamour of the folk and said to his Vizier, ‘Go down and bring me yon astrologer.’ So the Vizier went down and taking Kemerezzeman from the midst of the crowd, carried him up to the King, before whom he kissed the earth, repeating the following verses:

Eight elements of high renown are all comprised in thee; By them may Fortune never cease thy bounder slave to be!
Munificence and knowledge sure, glory and piety, Fair fluent speech and eloquence and might and victory.

When the King saw him, he made him sit down by his side and said to him, ‘By Allah, O my son, an thou be not an astrologer, venture not thy life nor submit thyself to my condition; for I have bound myself to strike off the head of whoso goeth in to my daughter and healeth her not of her disorder; but him who healeth her I will marry to her. So let not thy beauty and grace delude thee; for, by Allah, if thou cure her not, I will assuredly cut off thy head!’ ‘I knew of this condition before I came hither,’ answered Kemerezzeman, ‘and am ready to abide by it.’ Then King Ghaïour took the Cadis to witness against him and delivered him to an eunuch, saying, ‘Carry this fellow to the lady Budour.’ So the eunuch took him by the hand and led him along the gallery; but Kemerezzeman out-