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and stopped before it, whereupon the keeper came out to him and saluted him. The prince returned his greeting and the other bade him welcome, saying, ‘Praised be God that thou hast come off safe from the people of the city! Quick, come into the garden, ere any of the townsfolk see thee.’ So Kemerezzeman entered the garden, amazed, and said to the keeper, ‘Who and what then are the people of this city?’ ‘Know,’ answered the other, ‘that the people of this city are all Magians: but, God on thee, tell me how and why thou camest hither.’ Accordingly, Kemerezzeman told him all that had befallen him, at which the gardener marvelled greatly and said, ‘Know, O my son, that from this place to the cities of Islam is four months’ journey by sea and a whole year by land. We have a ship that sails yearly hence with merchandise to the Ebony Islands, which are the nearest Muslim country, and thence to the Khalidan Islands, the dominions of King Shehriman.’ Kemerezzeman considered awhile and concluding that he could not do better than abide with the gardener and become his assistant, said to him, ‘Wilt thou take me into thy service, to help thee in this garden?’ ‘Willingly,’ answered the gardener and clothing him in a short blue gown, that reached to his knees, taught him to lead the water to the roots of the trees. So Kemerezzeman abode with him, watering the trees and hoeing up the weeds and weeping floods of tears; for he had no rest day or night, by reason of his strangerhood and separation from his beloved, and he ceased not to repeat verses upon her, amongst others the following:

Ye made us a promise of yore; will ye not to your promise be true? Ye spoke us a word aforetime; as ye spoke to us, will ye not do?
We waken, whilst ye are asleep, according to passion’s decree; So have ye the vantage of us, for watchers and sleepers are two.
We vowed to each other, whilere, that we would keep secret our loves; But the breedbate possessed you to speak, and you spoke and revealed what none knew.