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and wondering; but presently, chancing to look at the dead bird’s crop, he saw therein something gleaming. So he opened it and found the talisman that had been the cause of his separation from his wife. At this sight, he fell down in a swoon for joy; and when he revived, he said, ‘Praised be God! This is a good omen and a presage of reunion with my beloved.’ Then he examined the jewel and passed it over his eyes; after which he bound it to his arm, rejoicing in coming good, and walked about, awaiting the gardener’s return, till nightfall; when, as he came not, he lay down and slept in his wonted place. At daybreak he rose and girding himself with a cord of palm-fibre, took hoe and basket and went out to his work in the garden. Presently, he came to a carob-tree and struck the hoe into its roots. The blow resounded [as if it had fallen on metal]; Night he cleared away the earth and discovered a trap-door of brass. He raised the trap and found a winding stair, which he descended and came to an ancient vault of the time of Aad and Themoud,[1] hewn out of the rock. Round the vault stood many brazen vessels of the bigness of a great oil-jar, into one of which he put his hand and found it full of red and shining gold; whereupon he said to himself, ‘Verily, the days of weariness are past and joy and solace are come!’ Then he returned to the garden and replacing the trap-door, busied himself in tending the trees till nightfall, when the gardener came back and said to him, ‘O my son, rejoice in a speedy return to thy native land, for the merchants are ready for the voyage and in three days’ time the ship will set sail for the City of Ebony, which is the first of the cities of the Muslims; and thence thou must travel by land six months’ journey till thou come to the Islands of Khalidan, the dominions of King Shehriman.’ At this Kemerezzeman rejoiced and repeated the following verses:

  1. Fabulous peoples mentioned in the Koran.