Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 3.djvu/250

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she. “I am a chamberwoman of the palace of the Commander of the Faithful and am come out upon a pilgrimage of devotion.” But the porter replied, “Thou canst not enter;” and many words passed between them, till at last she caught hold of him, saying, “Shall the like of me, who have free access to the houses of Amirs and grandees, be denied admission to the house of Nimeh ben er Rebya?” Presently, out came Nimeh and hearing their dispute, laughed and bade the old woman enter. So she followed him into the presence of Num, whom she saluted after the goodliest fashion; and when she looked on her, she was confounded at her exceeding beauty and said to her, “O my lady, I commend thee to the safeguard of God, who made thee and thy lord to accord in beauty and grace!” Then she stood up in the prayer-niche and betook herself to inclination and prostration and prayer, till the day departed and the night came with the darkness, when Num said to her, “O my mother, rest thy feet awhile.” “O my lady,” answered the old woman, “whoso seeketh the world to come must weary himself in this world, and whoso wearieth not himself in this world shall not attain the dwellings of the just in the world to come.” Then Num brought her food and said to her, “O my mother, eat of my victual and pray that God may relent towards me and have mercy on me.” But she replied, “O my lady, I am fasting. As for thee, thou art but a girl and it befits thee to eat and drink and make merry. May God be indulgent to thee! Quoth the Most High, ‘(None shall be saved) except those that repent and believe and work the works of righteousness.’”[1] Num sat awhile, conversing with the old woman, and presently said to Nimeh, “O my lord, conjure this old woman to sojourn with us awhile, for piety is imprinted on her face.” Quoth he, “Set apart for her a chamber,

  1. Koran xxv. 70.