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the box, saying, “O my lady, know that there is lately come to our town a Persian physician, than whom I never saw a more skilful nor a better versed in matters of sickness. I showed him the phial and told him thy name, and he knew thine ailment and prescribed a remedy. Then, by his order, his son made thee up this medicine; and there is not in Damascus a comelier or more elegant youth than this son of his nor hath any the like of his shop.” Num took the box and seeing the names of her lord and his father written thereon, changed colour and said to herself, “Doubtless, the owner of this shop is come in search of me.” So she said to the old woman, “Describe this youth to me.” “His name is Nimeh,” answered the old woman; “he is richly clad and perfectly handsome and has a mole on his right eyebrow.” “Give me the medicine,” cried Num, “and may the blessing and help of God the Most High attend it!” So she drank off the potion and said, laughing, “Indeed, it is a blessed medicine.” Then she sought in the box and finding the paper, read it and knew that this was indeed her lord, whereat her heart was solaced and she rejoiced. When the old woman saw her laughing, she exclaimed, “This is indeed a blessed day!” And Num said, “O nurse, I have a mind to eat and drink.” So the old woman said to the serving-women, “Bring a tray of dainty viands for your mistress;” whereupon they set food before her and she sat down to eat. Presently, in came the Khalif and seeing her sitting eating, rejoiced; and the old woman said to him, “O Commander of the Faithful, I give thee joy of thy slave’s recovery! Know that there is lately come to our city a physician, than whom I never saw a better versed in diseases and their cure. I fetched her medicine from him and she has taken of it but once and is restored to health.” Quoth he, “Take a thousand dinars and provide for her treatment, till she be completely recovered.”