Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 3.djvu/271

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a cloud of dust arose and grew, till it covered the landscape. Presently, it lifted and discovered an army, in numbers like the swollen sea, armed cap-a-pie, who, making for the city with naked swords, encompassed it as the ring encompasses the little finger. When Amjed and Asaad saw this, they exclaimed, ‘We are God’s and to Him we return. What is this great army? Doubtless, these are enemies; and except we agree with this Queen Merjaneh to resist them, they will take the town from us and slay us. There is nothing for us but to go out to them and see who they are.’ So Amjed mounted and passing through Queen Merjaneh’s camp, came to the approaching army Night ccxlviii.and was admitted to the presence of their King, to whom he delivered his message, after kissing the earth before him. Quoth the King, ‘I am called King Ghaïour, lord of the Islands and the Seas and the Seven Castles, and am come out in quest of my daughter Budour, of whom fortune hath bereft me; for she left me and returned not to me, nor have I heard any news of her or her husband Kemerezzeman. Have ye any tidings of them?’ When Amjed heard this, he knew that this King was none other than his grandfather, his mother’s father, and kissing the earth before him, told him that he was the son of his daughter Budour; whereupon Ghaïour threw himself upon him and they both fell a-weeping. Then said Ghaïour, ‘Praised be God, O my son, for safety, since I have foregathered with thee!’ And Amjed told him that his daughter Budour and her husband Kemerezzeman were well and abode in a city called the City of Ebony. Moreover, he related to him how his father, being wroth with him and his brother, had commanded his treasurer to put them to death, but that the latter had taken pity on them and let them go with their lives. Quoth King Ghaïour, ‘I will go back with thee and thy brother to your father and make your peace with