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went on to repeat to him what the boy had said; and Shemseddin said to the latter, ‘O my son, to-morrow, God willing, I will take thee with me to the market; but I would have thee know that the commerce of the markets and the shops demands good manners and an accomplished carriage in all conditions.’ So Alaeddin passed the night, rejoicing in his father’s promise; and on the morrow the merchant carried him to the bath and clad him in a suit worth much money. As soon as they had broken their fast and drunken sherbets, Shemseddin mounted his mule and rode to the market, followed by his son; but when the market-folk saw their Provost making towards them, followed by a youth as he were a piece of the moon on its fourteenth night, they said, one to another, ‘See yonder boy behind the Provost of the merchants. Verily, we thought well of him; but he is like the leek, grayheaded and green at the heart.’ And Sheikh Mohammed Semsem before mentioned, the Deputy of the market, said, ‘O merchants, never will we accept the like of him for our chief.’ Now it was the custom, when the Provost came from his house and sat down in his shop of a morning, for the Deputy of the market and the rest of the merchants to go in a body to his shop and recite to him the opening chapter of the Koran, after which they wished him good morrow and went away, each to his shop. Shemseddin seated himself in his shop as usual, but the merchants come not to him as of wont; so he called the Deputy and said to him, ‘Why come not the merchants together as usual?’ ‘I know not how to tell thee,’ answered Mohammed Semsem; ‘for they have agreed to depose thee from the headship of the market and to recite the first chapter to thee no more.’ ‘And why so?’ asked Shemseddin. ‘What boy is this that sits beside thee,’ asked the Deputy, ‘and thou a man of years and chief of the merchants? Is he a slave or akin to thy wife? Verily, I think thou