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Then he would have laid hands on Alaeddin; but he rose and drawing his sword, said to him, ‘Shame on thy gray hairs! Hast thou no fear of God, and He of exceeding great might?[1] May He have mercy on him who saith:

Look thou thy hoariness preserve from aught that may it stain, For whiteness still to take attaint is passing quick and fain.

This merchandise,’ added he, ‘is a trust from God and may not be sold. If I sold it to other than thee for gold, I would sell it thee for silver: but, by Allah, O filthy one, I will never again company with thee!’ Then he returned to Kemaleddin and said to him, ‘Yonder man is a lewd fellow and I will no longer consort with him nor suffer his company by the way.’ ‘O my son,’ replied the muleteer, ‘did I not forbid thee to go with him? But if we part company with him, I fear destruction for ourselves; so let us still make one caravan.’ But Alaeddin said, ‘It may not be: I will never again travel with him.’ So he loaded his beasts and journeyed onward, he and his company, till they came to a valley, where Alaeddin would have halted, but the muleteer said to him, ‘Do not halt here; rather let us fare forward and quicken our pace, so haply we may reach Baghdad before the gates are closed, for they open and shut them with the sun, for fear the schismatics should take the city and throw the books of learning into the Tigris.’ ‘O my father,’ replied Alaeddin, ‘I came not to Baghdad with this merchandise, for the sake of traffic, but to divert myself with the sight of foreign lands.’ And Kemaleddin rejoined, ‘O my son, we fear for thee and for thy goods from the wild Arabs.’ But he answered, ‘Harkye, sirrah, art thou master or servant? I will not enter Baghdad till the morning, that the townsfolk may see my merchandise and know me.’ ‘Do as thou wilt,’ said the muleteer; ‘I have given thee good counsel, and thou must judge for thyself.’ Then Alaeddin bade them

  1. Koran xiii. 14.