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but we will make an end of thee.’ So one of the Bedouins drew his javelin and should have plunged it into his breast. But he cried out, ‘Save me, O my lord Abdulcadir!’ and behold, he saw a hand turn the lance away from his breast to that of the muleteer, so that it pierced the latter and spared himself. Then the Bedouins made off; and when Alaeddin saw that the birds were flown with their purchase, he rose and set off running; but Abou Naïb looked back and said, ‘O Arabs, I see somewhat moving.’ So one of the Bedouins turned back and spying Alaeddin running, called out to him, saying, ‘Flight shall not avail thee, and we after thee;’ and he smote his mare with his fist and pricked after him. Then Alaeddin, seeing before him a watering tank and a cistern beside it, climbed up into a niche in the cistern and stretching himself along, feigned sleep and said, ‘O gracious Protector, cover me with the veil of Thy protection, that may not be torn away!’ Presently, the Bedouin came up to the cistern and standing in his stirrups put out one hand to lay hold of Alaeddin; but he said ‘Save me, O my lady Nefiseh![1] Now is thy time!’ And behold, a scorpion stung the Bedouin in the palm and he cried out, saying, ‘Help, O Arabs! I am stung;’ and fell off his mare. His comrades came up to him and set him on horseback again, saying, ‘What hath befallen thee?’ Quoth he, ‘A scorpion stung me.’ And they departed, leaving Alaeddin in the niche.

Meanwhile, Mehmoud of Balkh loaded his beasts and fared on till he came to the Valley of Dogs, where he found Alaeddin’s men lying slain. At this he rejoiced and went on till he reached the reservoir. Now his mule was athirst and turned aside to drink, but took fright at Alaeddin’s shadow in the water and started; whereupon Mehmoud raised his eyes and seeing Alaeddin lying in the niche, stripped to his shirt and trousers, said to him,

  1. Another well-known saint.