Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 3.djvu/311

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thee to her in the upper chamber, for the Khalif hath given her to thee, her and her women.”’ ‘We hear and obey,’ answered they and did as she bade them. So, when Alaeddin returned, he found two of the Khalif’s eunuchs sitting at the door and was amazed and said to himself, ‘Surely, this is not my own house; or else what can have happened?’ When the eunuchs saw him, they rose and kissing his hands, said to him, ‘We are of the Khalif’s household and servants to Cout el Culoub, who salutes thee, giving thee to know that the Khalif hath bestowed her on thee, her and her women, and craves thy company.’ Quoth Alaeddin, ‘Say ye to her, “Thou art welcome; but so long as thou abidest with me, I will not enter thy lodging, for it befits not that what was the master’s should become the servant’s;” and ask her also what was the sum of her day’s expense in the Khalif’s palace.’ So they went in to her and did his errand to her, and she replied, ‘A hundred dinars a day;’ whereupon quoth he in himself, ‘There was no need for the Khalif to give me Cout el Culoub, that I should be put to such an expense for her; but there is no help for it.’ So she abode with him awhile and he assigned her daily a hundred dinars for her maintenance, till, one day, he absented himself from the Divan and the Khalif said to Jaafer, ‘O Vizier, I gave Cout el Culoub unto Alaeddin, that she might console him for his wife; but why doth he still hold aloof from us?’ ‘O Commander of the Faithful,’ answered Jaafer, ‘he spoke sooth who said, “Whoso findeth his beloved, forgetteth his friends.”’ ‘Belike he hath excuse for his absence,’ rejoined the Khalif; ‘but we will pay him a visit.’ (Now some days before this, Alaeddin had said to Jaafer, ‘I complained to the Khalif of my grief for the loss of my wife Zubeideh, and he gave me Cout el Culoub.’ And Jaafer replied, ‘Except he loved thee, he had not given her to thee. Hast thou gone in to her?’ ‘No, by Allah!’