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into cracknels for the convent; and thou must take also a bushel of lentils and sift and crush and cook them. Then must thou fetch water in barrels and fill the four fountains; after which thou must take three hundred and threescore and six wooden platters and crumble the cracknels therein and pour of the lentil pottage over each and carry every monk and patriarch his platter.’ ‘Take me back to the King and let him kill me,’ said Alaeddin; ‘it were easier to me than this service.’ ‘If thou do the service that is due from thee,’ replied the old woman, ‘thou shalt escape death; but, if thou do it not, I will let the King kill thee.’ Then she went away, leaving Alaeddin heavy at heart. Now there were in the church ten blind cripples, and one of them said to him, ‘Bring me a pot.’ So he brought it him and he did his occasion therein and said, ‘Throw away the ordure.’ He did do, and the blind man said, ‘The Messiah’s blessing be upon thee, O servant of the church!’ Presently, the old woman came in and said to him, ‘Why hast thou not done thy service?’ ‘How many hands have I,’ answered he, ‘that I should suffice for all this work?’ ‘Thou fool!’ rejoined she. ‘I brought thee not hither but to work. But,’ added she, giving him a wand of brass with a cross at the top, ‘take this rod and go forth into the highway, and whomsoever thou meetest, were he governor of the ciy, say to him, “I summon thee to the service of the church, in the name of the Messiah.” And he will not refuse thee. Then make him sift the wheat and grind it and bolt it and knead it and bake it into cracknels; and if any gainsay thee, beat him and fear none.’ ‘I hear and obey,’ answered he and did as she said, pressing great and small into his service; nor did he leave to do thus for the space of seventeen years, till, one day, the old woman came to him, as he sat in the church, and said to him, ‘Go forth of the convent.’ ‘Whither shall I go?’ asked he, and she said, ‘Thou