Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 3.djvu/339

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born to thee a son named Aslan, who is now eighteen years old and sitteth in thy place with the Khalif. Know also that God hath shown forth the truth and done away the false by withdrawing the curtain of secrecy from him who stole the Khalif’s goods, that is, Ahmed Kemakim the arch-thief and traitor; and he now lies bound and in prison. It was I who caused the jewel to be put in the bag where thou foundest it and who sent the captain to thee; for thou must know that he is enamoured of me and seeketh my favours, but I refused to yield to his wishes, till he should bring me the jewel and its owner. So I gave him a hundred purses[1] and despatched him to thee, in the habit of a merchant; and it was I also who sent the old woman to save thee from being put to death with the other captives.’ ‘May God requite thee for us with all good!’ said he. ‘Indeed, thou hast done well.’ Then she renewed her profession of the Mohammedan faith at his hands, and when he was assured of the truth of her speech, he said to her, ‘O my lady, tell me what are the virtues of the jewel and whence cometh it?’ ‘It came from an enchanted treasure,’ answered she, ‘and has five virtues, that will profit us in time of need. The princess my grandmother, my father’s mother, was an enchantress and skilled in solving mysteries and winning at hidden treasures, and from one of the latter came the jewel into her hands. When I grew up and reached the age of fourteen, I read the Evangel and other books and found the name of Mohammed (whom God bless and preserve) in four books, the Evangel, the Pentateuch, the Psalms[2] and the Koran; so I believed in Mohammed and became a Muslim, being assured that none is worship-worth save God the Most

  1. £500.
  2. The Mohammedans accuse the Jews, as well as the Christians, of falsifying their sacred books, so as to suppress the mention of Mohammed.