Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 3.djvu/375

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‘Then he went out, and the Khalif said to me, “O Isaac, tell this story to no one.” So I kept it secret till Mamoun’s death. Surely never was man’s life so fulfilled with delights as was mine these four days’ time, whenas I companied with Mamoun by day and with Khedijeh by night; and by Allah, never saw I among men the like of Mamoun, neither among women have I ever set eyes on the like of Khedijeh, no, nor on any that came near her in wit and understanding and pleasant speech!’


At Mecca, one day, in the season of pilgrimage, whilst the people were making the enjoined circuits about the Holy House and the place of compassing was crowded, a man laid hold of the covering of the Kaabeh and cried out, from the bottom of his heart, saying, ‘I beseech Thee, O God, that she may once again be wroth with her husband and that I may lie with her!’ A company of the pilgrims heard him and falling on him, loaded him with blows and carried him to the governor of the pilgrims, to whom said they, ‘O Amir, we found this man in the Holy Places, saying thus and thus.’ The governor commanded to hang him; but he said, ‘O Amir, I conjure thee, by the virtue of the Prophet (whom God bless and preserve), hear my story and after do with me as thou wilt.’ ‘Say on,’ quoth the Amir. ‘Know then, O Amir,’ said the man, ‘that I am a scavenger, who works in the sheep-slaughterhouses and carries off the blood and the offal to the rubbish-heaps.[1] One day, as I went along with my ass loaded, I saw the people running away and one of them said to me, “Enter this alley, lest they kill thee.” Quoth I, “What ails the folk to run away?” And he answered, “It is the eunuchs

  1. Witout the town.