Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 3.djvu/386

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Sickness, for passion’s stress, hath wasted him to nought, And still for your consent to Allah he doth sue.
O ye full moons, whose place of sojourn is my heart, Amongst the human race whom can I choose but you?

At this the young man gave a great cry and rent his clothes, whereupon they let fall the curtain over him and brought him other clothes. Then he returned to his former case with his boon-companions and the cup went round as before, till it came to him, when he struck the gong a fourth time and the door opening, out came a boy, bearing a chair and followed by a damsel. He set the chair for her and she sat down upon it and taking the lute, tuned it and sang to it these verses:

When, when will separation and hatred pass away And what is past of joyance come back to make me gay?
But yesterday, in gladness, one dwelling held us both; We saw the enviers napping, all heedless of their prey.
But fortune played the traitor with us and sundered us, And left our dwelling-places even as the desert grey.
Wilt have me, O my censor, be solaced for my loves? Alas, my heart the censor, I see, will not obey!
So make an end of chiding and leave me to my love; For of my loved one’s converse my heart is full alway.
Fair lords, though you’ve been fickle and broken faith and troth, Deem not my heart for absence forgets you night or day.

When the mock Khalif heard the girl’s song, he gave a great cry Night ccxc.and tearing his clothes as before, fell down in a swoon; whereupon they would have let down the curtain over him, as of wont; but the cords stuck fast and Er Reshid, chancing to look at him, saw on his body the marks of beating with palm-rods and said to Jaafer, ‘By Allah, he is a handsome youth, but a foul thief!’ ‘Whence knowest thou that, O Commander of the Faithful?’ asked Jaafer, and the Khalif answered, ‘Sawst thou not the marks of whips on his sides?’ Then they let fall the curtain over him and brought him a fresh dress, which he