Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 3.djvu/399

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Cadi. “But yesterday,” replied the Kurd; “and I passed a sleepless night by reason of its loss.” “If it be thy bag,” said the Cadi, “tell me what is in it.” Quoth the Kurd, “There were in my bag two silver styles and eye-powders and a handkerchief, and I had laid therein two gilt cups and two candlesticks. Moreover it contained two tents and two platters and two hooks and a cushion and two leather rugs and two ewers and a brass tray and two basins and a cooking-pot and two water-jars and a ladle and a sacking-needle and a she-cat and two bitches[1] and a wooden trencher and two sacks and two saddles and a gown and two fur pelisses and a cow and two calves and a she-goat and two sheep and an ewe and two lambs and two green pavilions and a camel and two she-camels and a she-buffalo and two bulls and a lioness and two lions and a she-bear and two foxes and a mattress and two couches and an upper chamber and two saloons and a portico and two ante-rooms and a kitchen with two doors and a company of Kurds who will testify that the bag is mine.” Then said the Cadi to me, “And thou, what sayst thou?” So I came forward, O Commander of the Faithful (and indeed the Kurd’s speech had bewildered me) and said, “God advance our lord the Cadi! There was nothing in this my wallet, save a little ruined house and another without a door and a dog-kennel and a boys’ school and youths playing dice and tents and tent-poles and the cities of Bassora and Baghdad and the palace of Sheddad ben Aad[2] and a smith’s forge and a fishing net and cudgels and pickets and girls and boys and a thousand pimps, who will testify that the bag is my bag.” When the Kurd heard my words, he wept and wailed and said, “O my lord the Cadi, my bag is known and what is in it is renowned; therein are castles and citadels and cranes and beasts of prey and men playing chess and draughts. Moreover, in this my bag is a

  1. Or (quære) a pair of forceps.
  2. See antè, p. 335.