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the hedgehog, ‘and content thyself with a pittance of food.’ ‘How can I do this,’ said the pigeon, ‘I that am a bird and may not go beyond the palm-tree whereon is my food? Nor, could I do so, do I know another place, wherein I may abide.’ Quoth the hedgehog, ‘Thou canst shake down of the fruit of the palm what shall suffice thee and thy wife for a year’s victual; then do ye take up your abode in a nest under the tree, that ye may seek to be guided in the right way, and do ye turn to what ye have shaken down and store it up against the time of need; and when the fruits are spent and the time is long upon you, address yourselves to abstinence from food.’ ‘May God requite thee with good,’ exclaimed the pigeon, ‘for the fair intent with which thou hast reminded me of the world to come and hast directed me into the right way!’ Then he and his wife busied themselves in knocking down the dates, till nothing was left on the palm-tree, whilst the hedgehog, finding whereof to eat, rejoiced and filled his den with the dates, storing them up for his subsistence and saying in himself, ‘When the pigeon and his wife have need of their provant, they will seek it of me, trusting in my devoutness and abstinence; and from what they have heard of my pious counsels and admonitions, they will draw near unto me. Then will I seize them and eat them, after which I shall have the place and all that drops from the palm-tree, to suffice me.’ Presently the pigeon and his wife came down and finding that the hedgehog had carried off all the dates, said to him, ‘O pious and devout-spoken hedgehog of good counsel, we can find no sign of the dates and know not on what else we shall feed.’ ‘Belike,’ replied the hedgehog, ‘the winds have carried them away; but the turning from the provision to the Provider is of the essence of prosperity, and He who cut the corners of the mouth will not leave it without victual.’ And he gave not over preaching to them thus and making a show