Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 4.djvu/388

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forbidden it, there were not on the face of the earth aught fit to stand in its place. As for drawing lots, it is a game of hazard.’[1] (Q.) ‘What wine is the best?’ (A.) ‘That which is pressed from white grapes and ferments fourscore days or more: it resembleth not water and indeed there is nothing on the surface of the earth like unto it.’ (Q.) ‘What of cupping?’ (A.) ‘It is for him who is [over] full of blood and has no defect therein. Whoso will be cupped, let it be at the wane of the moon, on a day without cloud or wind or rain and the seventeenth of the month. If it fall on a Tuesday, it will be the more efficacious, Night ccccliii.and nothing is more salutary for the brain and eyes and for clearing the memory than cupping.’ (Q.) ‘What is the best time for cupping?’ (A.) ‘One should be cupped fasting, for this fortifies the wit and the memory. It is reported of the Prophet that, when any one complained to him of a pain in the head or legs, he would bid him be cupped and not eat salt [meat] fasting, for it engendered scurvy, neither eat sour milk immediately after [cupping].’ (Q.) ‘When is cupping to be avoided?’ (A.) ‘On Wednesdays and Saturdays, and let him who is cupped on these days blame none but himself. Moreover, one should not be cupped in very hot nor in very cold weather; and the best season for cupping is Spring.’ (Q.) ‘Tell me of copulation.’

At this Taweddud hung her head, for shame and confusion before the Khalif; then said, ‘By Allah, O Commander of the Faithful, it is not that I am at fault, but that I am ashamed, though, indeed, the answer is on the tip of my tongue.’ ‘Speak, O damsel,’ said the Khalif; whereupon quoth she, ‘Copulation hath in it many and exceeding virtues and praiseworthy qualities, amongst which are, that it lightens a body full of black bile and calms the heat of love and engenders affection and dilates

  1. Played with headless arrows.