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the earth, till I dropped into the midst of a surging sea, swollen with clashing billows. Hard by where I fell was a ship and five sailors therein, who, seeing me, made for me and took me up into the boat. They began to speak to me in some tongue I knew not; but I signed to them that I understood not their speech. So they fared on till ended day, when they cast out a net and caught a great fish and roasting it, gave me to eat; after which they sailed on, till they reached their city and carried me in to their king, who understand Arabic. So I kissed the ground before him, and he bestowed on me a dress of honour and made me one of his officers. I asked him the name of the city, and he replied, “It is called Henad and is in the land of China.” Then he committed me to his Vizier, bidding him show me the city, which was formerly peopled by infidels, till God the Most High turned them into stones; and there I abode a month’s space, diverting myself with viewing the place, nor saw I ever greater plenty of trees and fruits than there.

One day, as I sat on the bank of a river, there accosted me a horseman, who said to me, “Art thou not Abou Mohammed the Lazy?” “Yes,” answered I; whereupon, “Fear not,” said he; “for the report of thy good deed hath reached us.” Quoth I, “Who art thou?” And he answered, “I am a brother of the white serpent, and thou art hard by the place where is the damsel whom thou seekest.” So saying, he took off his [outer] clothes and clad me therein, saying, “Fear not; for he, that perished under thee, was one of our slaves.” Then he took me up behind him and rode on with me, till we came to a desert place, when he said to me, “Alight now and walk on between yonder mountains till thou seest the City of Brass; then halt afar off and enter it not, till I return to thee and teach thee how thou shalt do.” “I hear and obey,” replied I and alighting, walked on till I came to the city, the walls