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apart from us, that my sisters may come forth and dress themselves and give me somewhat wherewith to cover myself.’ ‘I hear and obey,’ answered he and retired into the pavilion, whereupon the two eldest princesses came out and donning their clothes, gave Shemseh somewhat thereof, not enough to fly withal, and she put it on and came forth of the water, as she were the moon at her full or a browsing gazelle.

Then they entered the pavilion, where they found Janshah sitting on the throne; so Shemseh saluted him and sitting down near him, said to him, ‘O fair of face, thou hast undone thyself and me; but tell us thy history, that we may know how it is with thee.’ At these words, he wept till he wet his clothes with his tears; and when she saw that he was distracted for love of her, she rose and taking him by the hand, made him sit by her side and wiped away his tears with her sleeve. Then said she to him, ‘O fair of face, leave this weeping and tell us thy story.’ So he related to her all that had befallen him, whereupon she sighed and said, Night dxii.‘O my lord, since thou lovest me so dear, give me my clothes, that I may fly to my people and tell them what has passed between thee and me, and after I will come back to thee and carry thee to thine own country.’ When he heard this, he wept and replied, ‘Is it lawful to thee before God to slay me wrongfully?’ ‘O my lord,’ said she, ‘and how shall I do that?’ ‘If I give thee thy clothes,’ rejoined he, ‘thou wilt fly away from me, and I shall die forthright.’

At this she and her sisters laughed and she said to him, ‘Take comfort and be of good cheer, for I must needs marry thee.’ So saying, she bent down to him and embraced him and kissed him between the eyes and on his cheeks. They clipped each other awhile, after which they drew apart and sat down on the throne. Then the eldest princess went out into the garden and gathering fruits and