Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 5.djvu/127

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Sheikh bade Janshah give it to her, and he did so; where upon she donned it and said to the prince, ‘Mount my back and keep fast hold of my feathers, lest thou fall off; and do thou shut thine eyes and stop thine ears, so thou mayst not hear the roar of the revolving sphere, as we pass through the air.’ He did as she bade him and Sheikh Nesr described to her the land of Kabul, that she might not miss her way, and bade them farewell, commending the prince to her care. She took leave of her sisters and bade them return to her people and tell them what had befallen her with Janshah; then, rising into the air, she flew off, like the wafts of the wind or the dazzling lightning, and stayed not her course from the forenoon till the hour of afternoon prayer, when she espied afar off a valley abounding in trees and streams and alighted there to rest. Janshah dismounted and kissing her between the eyes, sat with her awhile on the bank of a river there; then they rose and explored the valley, taking their pleasure therein and eating of the fruits of the trees, till nightfall, when they lay down under a tree and slept till the morning.

As soon as it was day, the princess arose and taking Janshah on her back, flew on with him till mid-day, when she perceived, by the appearance of the landmarks that Sheikh Nesr had described to her, that they were nearing the city of Kabul and alighted in a wide and blooming champaign, wherein were gazelles feeding and springs welling and rivers flowing and trees laden with ripe fruits. So Janshah dismounted and kissed her between the eyes; and she said to him, ‘O my beloved and solace of mine eyes, knowst thou how many days’ journey we have come [since yesterday]?’ ‘No,’ answered he, and she said. ‘We have come thirty months’ journey.’ Quoth he, ‘Praised be God for safety!’ Then they sat down side by side and ate and drank and toyed and laughed.

Presently, there came up to them two of the King’s