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the stream. Presently, as they were swimming about and playing with one another, a huge shark seized the princess by the leg, and she cried out and died forthright, whilst the damsels fled out of the river to the pavilion, to escape from the shark; but, after awhile, they returned and taking her up, carried her to the litter.

When Janshah saw his wife dead, he fell down in a swoon and they sprinkled water on his face, till he recovered and wept over her. Then he despatched the Marids, to bear the sad news to her parents and family, who presently came thither and washed her and shrouded her; after which they buried her by the river-side and made mourning for her. They would have carried Janshah with them to the Castle of Jewels; but he said to King Shehlan, ‘I beseech thee to dig me a grave beside her tomb, that, when I die, I may be buried by her side.’ Accordingly, the King commanded one of his Marids to do as Janshah wished, after which they departed and left me here to weep and mourn for her till I die; for I,” said the young man, “am Janshah and this is my story and the reason of my sojourn between these two tombs.” And he repeated the following verses:

Home is no longer home to me, now ye are gone away, Nor is the pleasant neighbour now a neighbour, sooth to say.
The comrade, whom withal therein I companied, no more A comrade is, and eke the lights [of heaven] no lights are they.

Night dxxxi.When Beloukiya heard Janshah’s story, he marvelled and exclaimed, “By Allah, O my brother, methought I had indeed wandered over the world and compassed it about; but thy story maketh me to forget all I have seen. And now,” added he, “I beg thee, of thy favour and courtesy, to direct me in the way of safety.” So Janshah