Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 5.djvu/176

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fragrance of all manner rich and delicate meats and generous wines. So he raised his eyes to heaven and said, ‘Glory to Thee, O Lord, O Creator and Provider, who providest whom Thou wilt without stint! O my God, I cry Thee pardon for all sins and repent to Thee of all offences! O Lord, there is no gainsaying Thee in Thine ordinance and Thy dominion, neither wilt Thou be questioned of that Thou dost, for Thou indeed art Almighty, extolled be Thy perfection! Whom Thou wilt Thou makest rich and whom Thou wilt Thou makest poor! Whom Thou wilt Thou exaltest and whom Thou wilt Thou abasest and there is no god but Thou! How great is Thy majesty and how mighty Thy dominion and how excellent Thy governance! Verily, Thou favourest whom Thou wilt of Thy servants, whereby the owner of this place abideth in all delight of life and taketh his ease of pleasant scents and delicious meats and generous wines of all kinds. For indeed Thou appointest unto Thy servants that which Thou wilt and that which Thou hast fore-ordained unto them; wherefore are some weary and some easeful and some enjoy fair fortune and delight, whilst other some suffer the extreme of travail and misery, even as do I.’ And he recited the following verses:

How many by my toil, unresting and unstayed, Do joy in pleasant food and cool, delightful shade!
Indeed, I pass my days in weariness galore; Strange is my case and sore the load upon me laid;
Whilst others, who ne’er knew a burden like to mine, Delight in fortune fair, untroubled nor dismayed.
They take their ease of life and eat and drink at will, With affluence and power by favouring Fate purveyed;
Yet am I like to these and they are like to me, And of a drop of sperm each living soul is made.
Natheless. ’twixt them and me a difference there is, As ’twere ’twixt vinegar and wine, when all is said.
Yet, nowise, O my God, I think to rail at Thee; Thou’rt wise and just Thy sway and none may Thee upbraid.