Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 5.djvu/238

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I in turn questioned them of the manners and customs of their own countries. One day, the King himself questioned me of the manners and way of government of my country, and I acquainted him with the fashion of the Khalif’s sway in the city of Baghdad and the justice of his rule. The King marvelled at my account of his ordinances and said, “By Allah, the Khalif’s ordinances are indeed wise and his fashions praiseworthy and thou hast made me love him by what thou tellest me; wherefore I have a mind to send him a present by thee.” “I hear and obey, O my lord,” answered I; “I will carry thy present to him and inform him that thou art his sincere lover.”

Then I abode with the King in great honour and ease and consideration, till, one day, as I sat in his palace, I heard tell of a company of merchants, that were fitting out a ship for Bassora, and said in myself, “I cannot do better than make the voyage with these.” So I rose at once and going in to the King, kissed his hand and acquainted him with my wish to set out with the merchants, for that I longed after my people and family and native land. Quoth he, “Thou art thine own master; yet, if it be thy will to abide with us, on our head and eyes be it, for thou gladdenest us with thy company.” “O my lord,” answered I, “thou hast indeed overwhelmed me with thy favours; but I weary for a sight of my friends and family and native land.” When he heard this, he summoned the merchants in question and commended me to their care, paying my freight and passage-money. Moreover, he bestowed on me great riches from his treasuries and committed to my charge a magnificent present for the Khalif Haroun er Reshid.

Then I took leave of him and of all my intimates and acquaintances in the island and embarked with the merchants aforesaid. We set sail with a fair wind, committing ourselves to the care of God (may He be exalted and