Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 5.djvu/338

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When the page heard this, he made ready in secret meat and drink and fruits and dessert and sallied forth with them privily that night to the garden, where he laid the meat under one tree, the drink under another and the fruits and conserves under a third, in the way his mistress should pass. Next morning, the husband bade him accompany the lady to the garden; so she took horse and riding thither with him, dismounted and entered.

Presently, as they were walking about, a crow croaked, and the page said, “Thou sayst truly,” whereupon his mistress said to him, “Dost thou know what the crow said?” “Yes, O my lady,” answered he; “he said, ‘Under yonder tree is meat; go and eat it.’” So she went up to the tree and finding a dish of meat ready dressed, was assured that the youth understood the speech of birds and marvelled exceedingly. They ate of the meat and walked about awhile, taking their pleasure in the garden, till the crow croaked a second time, and the page again replied, “Thou sayst well.” “What said he?” asked the lady, and the page, “O my lady, he says that under such a tree is a pitcher of old wine and a gugglet of water flavoured with musk.” So she went up to the tree and finding the wine and water there, redoubled in wonderment and the page was magnified in her eyes. They sat down and drank, then arose and walked in another part of the garden. Presently, the crow croaked again and the page said, “Right.” Quoth the lady, “What says he now?” and the page, “He says that under yonder tree are fruits and confections.” So they went thither and found all as he said and sat down and ate. Then they walked about again till the crow croaked a fourth time, whereupon the page took up a stone and cast it at him. Quoth she, “What said he, that thou shouldst stone him?” “O my lady,” answered he, “he said what I cannot tell thee.” “Say on,” rejoined she, “and be not abashed, for there