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free.” Quoth she, “If thou wilt have it so, be it in my House, for there it will be safer both for me and for thee. It is not far distant and thou knowest that which behoveth us [women] of cleanliness and elegance.” “Where is thy house?” asked he. “In such a place,” answered she and appointed him for the same time as the two others.

Then she went out from him to the King of the city and told him her story and sought of him her brother’s release. “Who imprisoned him?” asked he; and she replied, “The chief of the police.” When the King heard her speech, it transfixed his heart with the arrows of love and he bade her enter the palace with him, that he might send to the Cadi and release her brother. “O King,” answered she, “this thing is easy to thee, whether I will or not; and if the King will indeed have this of me, it is of my good fortune; but, if he will come to my house, he will do me the more honour, even as saith the poet:

Friends, have ye seen or heard o’ the visit of a wight Whose virtues are indeed illustrious in my sight?”

Quoth the King, “We will not cross thee in this.” So she told him where her house was and appointed him for Night dxciv.the same time as the three others.

Then she left him and betaking herself to a carpenter, said to him, “I would have thee make me a cabinet with four compartments, one above another, each with its door to lock up. Let me know thy hire and I will give it thee.” “My hire will be four dinars,” replied the man; “but, O noble lady, if thou wilt vouchsafe me thy favours, I will ask nothing else of thee.” “If thou wilt have it so,” rejoined she, “then make the cabinet with five compartments, each to lock up.” “It is well,” said he; “sit down, O my lady, and I will make it for thee forthright, and after I will come to thee at my leisure.” So she sat down, whilst he fell to work on the cabinet, and when he had