Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 5.djvu/349

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had he spoken when his yard became as big as a calabash and he could neither sit nor stand nor move; and when he would have lain with his wife, she fled before him from place to place. So he said to her, “O accursed woman, what is to be done? This is thy wish, by reason of thy lust.” “Nay, by Allah,” answered she; “I did not ask for this huge bulk, for which the gate of a street were too strait. Pray God to make it less.” So he raised his eyes to heaven and said, “O my God, rid me of this thing and deliver me therefrom.” And immediately his yard disappeared altogether and he became smooth [like a woman]. When his wife saw this, she said, I have no occasion for thee, now thou art become yardless;” and he answered her, saying, “All this comes of thine own ill-omened counsel and the infirmity of thy judgment. I had three prayers accepted of God, wherewith I might have gotten me my good, both in this world and the next, and now two are gone in pure waste, by thy lewd wish, and there remaineth but one.” Quoth she, “Pray God the Most High to restore thee thy yard as it was.” So he prayed to his Lord and his yard was restored to its first case. Thus the man lost his three wishes by the ill counsel and lack of sense of the woman; and this, O King,’ said the vizier, ‘have I told thee, that thou mightest be certified of the thoughtlessness of women and their little wit and silliness and see what comes of hearkening to their counsel. Wherefore be not persuaded by them to slay thy son, the darling of thy heart, and thus blot out thy remembrance after thee.’

The King gave ear to his vizier’s words and forbore to put his son to death; but, on the seventh day, the damsel came in, shrieking, and lighting a great fire in the King’s presence, made as she would cast herself therein; whereupon they laid hands on her and brought her before him. Quoth he, ‘Why hast thou done this?’ And she answered, saying, ‘Except thou do me justice on thy son, I will cast