Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 5.djvu/361

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face-veil.” So he bade his servants bring him a parcel of silk from the inner shop and opening it, brought out a number of veils, whose beauty amazed the youth. Among them was the veil he sought; so he bought it for fifty dinars Night dc.and bore it home, well pleased.

Hardly had he reached his house when up came the old woman, to whom he gave the veil. She bade him bring a live coal, with which she burnt one of the corners of the veil, then folded it up as before and repairing to Aboul Feth’s house, knocked at the door. Quoth the damsel, “Who is there?” And she answered, “I, such an one.” Now the damsel knew her for a friend of her mother, so, when she heard her voice, she came out and opening the door to her, said, “What dost thou want, O my mother? My mother has left me and gone to her own house.” “O my daughter,” answered the old woman, “I know thy mother is not with thee, for I have been with her in her house, and I come not to thee, but because I fear to miss the hour of prayer; wherefore I desire to make my ablutions with thee, for I know thou art clean and thy house pure.”[1] The damsel admitted her and she saluted her and called down blessings upon her. Then she took the ewer and went into the lavatory, where she made her ablutions and prayed in a place there. Presently, she came out again and said to the damsel, “O my daughter, I doubt thy servants have been in yonder place and defiled it; so do thou show me another place where I may pray, for the prayer I have prayed I account void.” Thereupon the damsel took her by the hand and said to her, “O my mother, come and pray on my carpet, where my husband sits.” So she stood there and prayed and worshipped and bowed and prostrated herself; and presently, she took the damsel unawares and made shift to slip the veil under

  1. One of the conditions of prayer among the Muslims is that it be performed in a clean place.