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that of yesterday and continue it for the sake of God the Most High.’ So she rose and filling the brasier with wood, lighted it, to give the neighbours the change, reciting the following verses:

I will conceal what is with me of trouble and distress And light my fire, that so my strait the neighbours may not guess.
What God decreeth I accept, so haply He may see My humbleness to Him and so accept of me no less.

Night cccclxx.Then they made the ablution and stood up to pray. Presently, one of the neighbours’ wives came in and asked leave to take a light from the fire. ‘At thy service,’ answered they: but, when she came to the fire, she cried out, saying, ‘Ho, such an one, (to the platter-maker’s wife,) take up thy bread before it burns!’ Quoth the wife to her husband, ‘Hearest thou what she says?’ ‘Go and look,’ answered he. So she went up to the oven, and behold, it was full of fine white bread. She took up the loaves, thanking God (to whom belong might and majesty) for the abounding good and great bounty He had bestowed on them, and carried them to her husband; and they ate of the bread and drank water and praised God the Most High. Then said the woman to her husband, ‘Come, let us pray to God the Most High, so haply He may vouchsafe us what will quit us of necessity and enable us to dispense with the weariness of toil for daily bread and devote ourselves [wholly] to worshipping Him and keeping His commandments.’ So the man rose and prayed, whilst his wife said ‘Amen’ to his prayer, when, behold, the roof clove in sunder and down fell a ruby, which lit the whole house with its lustre. At this, they rejoiced greatly and redoubled in praise and thanksgiving to God, praying what the Most High willed.

Then, the night being far spent, they lay down to sleep and the woman dreamt that she entered Paradise and saw therein many chairs and stools ranged in rows. She asked