Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 5.djvu/52

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without it, my heart would be diverted [from the thought of him] and I would do that which is required of me.” Now there is no harm in letting me go forth with him to another place, and I will be warrant to you and to the Amir for that which ye require of him.’

So her father went to their chief and told him of this, whereat he rejoiced with an exceeding joy and bade carry them forth the town to a village that she named. So they went out to the village, where they abode the rest of that day, and at nightfall, they made ready to set out and fare upon their way, even as saith the poet:

“The time of departure,” quoth they, “draweth nigh:” And “How oft will ye threat me with parting?” I cry.
No business have I but to traverse the earth, Mile by mile and o’er deserts forever to hie.
If the loved ones prick forth tow’rds a land, for their sake, Once again of the sons of the road[1] become I.
On my longing, to guide me to them, I rely, And it shows me the way nor directs me awry.

Night cccclxxvi.The young Muslim mounted a swift horse and took the girl up behind him, and they set out and fared on all that night till morning, when he turned aside with her from the highway and alighting, they made the ablution and prayed the morning prayer. As they were thus engaged, they heard the clank of arms and ring of bridles and men’s voices and tramp of horse; whereupon he said to her, ‘O such an one, the Christians are upon us! What shall we do? For the horse is jaded, so that he cannot go another step.’ ‘Out on thee!’ exclaimed she. ‘Art thou then afraid?’ ‘Yes,’ answered he; and she said, ‘What didst thou tell me of the power of thy Lord and His readiness to succour those who cry to Him? Come, let us make supplication to Him and beseech Him: surely, He will vouchsafe us His succour and visit us with

  1. i.e. wayfarers.