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host; after which he numbered them and found them thirty thousand horse and ten thousand foot. So he levied other fifty thousand horse and foot and taking horse with a mighty host, rode forward five days, till he came upon his brother’s army encamped before Mosul and pitched his tent in face of theirs.

Then Gherib wrote a letter and said to his officers, ‘Which of you will carry this letter to Agib?’ Whereupon up sprang Sehim and said, ‘O King of the age, I will carry thy letter and bring thee back an answer.’ So Gherib gave him the letter and he repaired to the pavilion of Agib, who bade admit him and said to him, ‘Whence comest thou?’ ‘From the King of the Arabs and the Persians,’ answered Sehim, ‘son-in-law of Chosroës, King of the world, who sendeth thee a letter; so do thou return him an answer.’ ‘Give me the letter,’ said Agib. So Sehim gave him the letter and he tore it open and read as follows: ‘In the name of God the Compassionate, the Merciful! Peace be on Abraham the Friend! As soon as this letter comes to thy hands, do thou confess the unity of the Bountiful King, Causer of causes and Mover of the clouds, and leave worshipping idols. If thou do this thing, thou art my brother and ruler over us and I will pardon thee the deaths of my father and mother, nor will I reproach thee with what thou hast done. But if thou obey not my commandment, behold, I will hasten to thee and cut off thy head and lay waste thy dominions. Verily, I give thee good counsel, and peace be on those who follow in the way of righteousness and obey the Most High King!’

When Agib read these words and knew the threat they contained, his eyes sank into his head and he gnashed his teeth for rage. Then he tore the letter in pieces and threw it away, which vexed Sehim and he cried out upon Agib, saying, ‘God wither thy hand for that thou hast done!’ With this Agib cried out to his men, saying,