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Mohammed set him above himself. I asked who he was and behold, it was Zemreh himself: so I said to myself, “Verily, there hath betided yonder unhappy one that which hath betided her!”[1] Then I betook myself to El Mirbed and waited at the door of his house, till he came riding up in state, when I accosted him and invoking lavish blessings on him, gave him the letter. When he read it, he said to me, “O old man, we have taken another in her stead. Wilt thou see the substitute?” And I answered, “Yes.” Whereupon he called out a woman’s name, and there came forth a damsel who put to shame the sun and moon, swelling-breasted, walking the gait of one who hastens without fear, to whom he gave the letter, saying, “Do thou answer it.” When she read it, she turned pale and said to me, “O old man, ask pardon of God for this that thou hast brought.” So I went out, dragging my feet, and returned to her. When she saw me, she said, “What is behind thee?” I answered, “Evil and despair.” And she said, “Have thou no concern of him. Where are God and Providence?” Then she ordered me five hundred dinars and I took them and went away.

Some days after I passed by the place and saw there horsemen and footmen. So I went in and lo, these were the companions of Zemreh, who were begging her to return to him; but she said, “No, by Allah, I will not look him in the face!” And she prostrated herself in gratitude to God and exultation over Zemreh. Then I drew near her, and she pulled out to me a letter, wherein was written, after the invocation of the Deity, the following: “O my lady, but for my forbearance towards thee, [may God prolong thy life!] I would relate somewhat of what betided from thee and set out my excuse, in that thou transgressedst against me, whenas thou wast manifestly a sinner against thyself and me in breach of vows

  1. i.e. she had no power to avert that which was fated to betide her.