Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 6.djvu/281

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But he answered, saying, ‘She is not my mother, but a sharper, who has swindled much people and stolen my ass.’

At this moment up came the dyer and the Jew and the young merchant, who, seeing the barber holding on to the ass-driver and the latter cauterized on both temples, said to him, ‘What hath befallen thee, O ass driver?’ So he told them what had happened to him and the barber did the like; and the others in turn related to the Moor the tricks the old woman had served them. Then he shut up his shop and went with them to the Master of police, to whom they said, ‘We look to thee for compensation.’ Quoth he, ‘How many old women are there not in Baghdad! Doth any of you know her?’ ‘I do,’ answered the ass-man; ‘give me ten of thine officers.’ So he gave them half a score men and they all five went out, followed by the sergeants, and patrolled the city, till they met the old woman, when they laid hands on her and carrying her to the house of the Master of police, stood waiting without, till he should come forth.

Presently the officers fell asleep, for excess of watching with their chief, and Delileh feigned to follow their example, till the ass-man and his fellows slept also, when she stole away from them and going in to the harem of the Master of police, kissed the hand of the mistress of the house and said to her, ‘Where is the Chief of the police?’ ‘He is asleep,’ answered the lady; ‘what wouldst thou with him?’ Quoth Delileh, ‘My husband is a slave-merchant and gave me five slaves to sell, whilst he went on a journey. The Master of police met me and bought them of me for a thousand dinars and two hundred for myself, saying, “Bring them to my house.” Night dccv.So I have brought them.’

Now the Master of police had given his wife a thousand dinars, saying, ‘Keep them by thee, that we may buy male slaves with them.’ So she believed the old woman’s story and said to her, ‘Where are the slaves?’ ‘They are