Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 6.djvu/328

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when she heard a great cry and the cup fell from her hand. She turned and lo, it was her father’s maid, who had cried out; and she said to her, ‘O my mistress, is it thus thou keepest thy covenant between me and thee? None taught thee this fashion but I, and thou didst covenant with me that thou wouldst do nought without consulting me and that he who took thee to wife should marry me also, and that one night should be mine and one thine.’ And the broker’s daughter said, ‘It is well.’

When the broker heard the maid’s words, he said to his daughter, ‘Who taught the maid?’ And she answered, ‘herself.’ So he asked her and she said, ‘Know, O my lord, that, when I was with Azariah the Jew, I used to spy upon him and listen to him, when he performed his magical operations; and when he went forth to his shop in Baghdad, I opened his books and read in them, till I became skilled in the Cabala. One day, he was warm with wine and would have me lie with him, but I refused, saying, “I may not grant thee this except thou become a Muslim.” He refused and I required him to carry me to the Sultan’s market and sell me there. So he sold me to thee and I taught my young mistress, making it a condition with her that she should do nought, without taking counsel with me, and that whoso married her should marry me also, one night for her and one for me.’ Then she took a cup of water and conjuring over it, sprinkled the dog therewith; saying, ‘Return to the form of a man.’ And he was straightway restored to his former shape; whereupon the broker saluted him and asked him the manner of his enchantment. Night dccxviii.So Ali told him all that had passed and the broker said to him, ‘Will [not] my daughter and the maid suffice thee?’ But he answered, saying, ‘Needs must I have Zeyneb [also].’

At this moment there came a knock at the door and the maid said, ‘Who is at the door?’ ‘Kemer, daughter of