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Night dcxxxiii.and how Gherib had delivered her from the Ghoul of the Mountain, who would else have eaten her, adding, ‘And indeed, it behoves my father to give him the half of his kingdom.’ Then Touman returned to Gherib and kissed his hands and feet and thanked him for his good dealing, saying, ‘With thy leave, O my lord, I will return to Isbanir and acquaint the King with the good news of his daughter’s approach.’ ‘Go,’ answered Gherib, ‘and take of him the gift for glad tidings.’

So Touman returned with all diligence to Isbanir and entering the palace, kissed the earth before the King, who said to him, ‘What is the news, O bringer of glad tidings?’ Quoth Touman, ‘I will not speak, till thou give me the reward for good news.’ ‘Tell me thy good news,’ answered the King, ‘and I will content thee.’ So Touman said, ‘O King, I bring thee the glad tidings of the return of the princess Fekhr Taj.’ When Sabour heard his daughter’s name, he fell down in a swoon and they sprinkled rose-water on him, till he recovered and said to Touman, ‘Draw near to me and tell me all.’ So he came forward and acquainted him with all that had befallen the princess; and Sabour beat hand upon hand, saying, ‘Alas, unhappy Fekhr Taj!’ And he bade give Touman ten thousand dinars and conferred on him the government of the city of Ispahan. Then he cried out to his Amirs, saying, ‘Mount, all of you, and go forth to meet the princess Fekhr Taj!’ Whilst the chief eunuch went in to the queen-mother and told her and all the harem the good news, whereat she rejoiced and gave him a dress of honour and a thousand dinars. Moreover, the people of the city heard of this and decorated the streets and houses.

Then the King and Touman took horse and rode till they fell in with Gherib, when Sabour dismounted and made some steps towards Gherib, who also dismounted and advanced to meet him; and they embraced and